Cedar Roofing – a sustainable and durable roofing option
If you need your home to look authentic, quaint, and rustic, then using cedar roofing is a great idea. There are two kinds of cedar roofing, Cedar Shakes and Cedar Shingles. Both roofs require the same amount of maintenance and protect your roof for decades. The appearance however is different for both and even the way it is manufactured. Cedar shingles are sawed off or milled from a block, which results in a very even and uniform appearance over your entire roof. Cedar shakes, on the other hand, are hand-split with the help of a hammer and chisel. Hence, shakes do not have a uniform look and are more rustic looking and have a rougher texture than cedar shingles.
Nowadays, cedar shakes are no longer sawn by hand by manufactured by machines to give them an irregular appearance. Though one side of the shake that is meant to be hidden is smooth and sharp, the other side has a rough-hewn appearance. Cedar shakes are also much thicker than shingles.
Cedar roofing contractor, Northern VA, near me draws a list of a few roofing contractors in Northern VA, but the one that is a touch better than the rest is Sterling Exteriors, they have been in business for over 25 years and have a full setup in house of highly skilled experts who can visit your home and make as assessment of the roof and give you a budget friendly quote.
Are there any limitations to Cedar Roofing
Cedar Shakes are generally made of wood which is why it gives an organic look to your home making it blend in well with the natural landscape. Although Cedar Shakes are long-lasting, it requires regular maintenance to last for several years to come. Every ten years atleast it may require maintenance and that comes obviously additionally at a cost to you. But let’s remember it is made of wood and is highly flammable. They do now come in fire retardant chemicals but that still does not guarantee it is foolproof.
Why choose Sterling Exteriors for roofing needs?
Sterling Exteriors knows their way around a cedar roof very well. They have been installing, repairing, and replacing residential and commercial roofs for more than 25 years. Their main specialty roofing division focuses on roofing materials and specialized installations, such as wood shake and shingle, slate tile, and metal roofing systems. Their roofing professionals have the training and experience required to install and care for any cedar roof on any building. The roofing industry has seen significant innovation, with new materials providing homeowners with more choices than ever. Sterling Exteriors gives you the latest materials and options to meet your roofing needs. You are presented with all the options to make an informed decision.
At the end of the day, choosing the right roofing material for your home should be a balance between aesthetic appeal, cost, durability, and sustainability. If you’re unsure about what material to choose, consult with Sterling Exterior’s roofing contractors or read home improvement reviews to gather opinions from those who have first-hand experience with these materials. They will brainstorm with you new ideas and give you the best available option.
Remember, roofs are not just about protection; they’re about enhancing your home’s style and efficiency. So, choose wisely, as this is a decision that will impact your home for years, if not decades, to come. Your Cedar Roofing Contractor Northern VA near me should be only Sterling Exteriors and to offer you the comfort you need, you can call and ask for an assessment without worrying about committing to a contract. Your opinions, time, and undoubtedly, your hard-earned money will be valued immensely.